PensAgro 4:1 Geared Reel Kit


New exciting product from our friends at PensAgro in Argentina!

Important kit information: Only one handle per kit is being provided if you select "Yes" on the Winder Handle option when adding a kit to the cart 

This lightweight winder is the newest in electric fence reel design. It has an impressive 4:1 gear ratio and feels more like a fishing reel when you're winding it than an electric fence reel.

The plastic spools are also state of the art design. With the options to hang a reel on a hot wire to energize the polywire or to hang to a "dead" fence without the risk of shorting.

The really interesting piece of this new design is that you only need one winding handle in your whole operation since the spools detach from the handle once you are done winding or unwinding. This flows into the best information of all, no more impossible tangles... If the wire does slip off the spool and falls between the spool and the handle frame, simply detach the spool and the twist falls right out. Snap the spool back on and keep winding. 


  • Aluminum Handle Design
  • Fast and Smoother Winding
  • Break Resistant Plastic
  • Tangle-Free Design
  • Belt Hook
  • Lightweight


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