PoultryNet® PLUS 12/48/3 Electric Netting

$187.00 USD

*Choose between 100' and 50' lengths and option of single or double spike for the posts. 

This netting has 12 horizontal strands (bottom wire is not conductive, top 11 are). Its top wire is 48" high when installed. It is supported by plastic vertical struts every 3". "Plus" nets include additional line posts to reduce sag.

Electric poultry netting is the choice for producers seeking to contain chickens, ducks, geese & turkeys while offering a high level of predator control. Light enough for one person carry and install, this is a good portable fence option for pastured poultry producers. Here are a couple of tips before and while working with netting:

  • Single spike vs double spike. Single spike tangles less but does not offer the convenience of a step for hard ground. Double spike costs more but allows the user to tighten fences a little more because of its step-in quality
  • When taking the fence down you should gather all of the posts while allowing the netting to fold on to itself. Once all of the posts have been gathered lie the posts and netting flat, fold the netting in half toward the pile of posts. Fold in half until you are able to tie with provided strings and easily pick up the roll, this will allow you to easily fold it out again for your next fence.
  • Do not attempt to roll or drag on ground.
  • When not in use, store in a rodent proof room. Mice and other rodents do like to chew on polywire.

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