
Electrified gates are a low-cost and effective gate option in any Management-intensive Grazing operation. We have options for gates installed between wood posts, t-posts, drill stem.

Our preferred way of installing an electric gate is to first trench between end posts where the gate will be installed.

Cut a piece of conduit to fit the length of the gate and run an insulated wire through to the other side. Give yourself plenty of extra length on the insulated wire since it will need to be connected to your highest electrified wire. You do not want to connect the underground wire to a lower wire because "weed load" is greater and you will consequently lose voltage.  

Seal the ends of the conduit with either silicon or expandable foam. Fill in your trench.

Secure the insulated wire to the end posts using either staples or zip ties.

Using either a open-tap sleeve or split-tap bolt connect your insulated wire to your fence wire on either side. 

Now that you have created a continuous electrical path, it is time to install your gate.

We usually use either Bungee or Polybraid Gate Rope (this is not your 9-strand polybraid. It is ~1/4" diameter and has 22 metal conductors)

You can either use a gate plate and insulator as a hookup or you can create your own gate loop by leaving an extra length of hi-tensile wire when constructing your fence. Here's how you do it..

When tying your wire off at the end post give yourself enough of a lead to make a gate loop and fasten to the end post. See picture below for reference

The other side of the gate rope is tied off to an insulator. This way when the gate is opened, it is no longer hot. This prevents arcing when the gate rope is touching the ground and spooking your animals.

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