Portable Fence
Gallagher Medium Reel w/ 1312' TurboWire
Gallagher Medium Reel w/ 1312' TurboWire
Gallagher Geared Medium Reel w/ 1312' TurboWire(Dead Handle Incuded)
Most popular option for fast wind in and out (3:1 gear ratio) on standard length portable fences
Heavy duty gear box for long life
Large hook with transport lock for easy, secure attachment to ATV or fence wire
Impact resistant reel guide for tangle free operation
Fully galvanized frame and white high impact hub for durability in tough farming/ranching conditions
Shatter proof reel lock
Long crank arm for better leverage
Large comfortable hand grip with knuckle guard for safer use
Turbo Wire with Mixed-Metals Conductors
High conductivity
Link multiple reels together without losing voltage
6 Stainless Steel Strands & 3 Tinned-Copper Strands
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