How-to-Guides - Buy All 3 For $45

$45.00 USD

Contains all three guides authored by Jim & Dawn Gerrish

Electric Fence Basics: A beginner’s guide to the installation and use of both permanent and temporary electric fence systems. This guide is based on our 35 years of experience using electric fencing for cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. We have tried a lot of different items from different manufacturers and what is shown in this guide are the materials that have consistently worked for us.(36 pages) 

Stock Water Development Guide: This guide covers permanent stock water developments as well as designing and using movable stock water systems for flexible grazing cells. Pipelines & pipe choices, tank & drinker options, why your choice of tank valve makes a huge difference in water delivery are all covered. It also includes a step-by-step guide to installing tire tanks that don’t leak and setting up water blocks for durability and ease of use. (16 pages)

Center Pivot Grazing Guide: This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up our ‘Inner Circle’ grazing cell design for implementing MiG on center pivots. This design eliminates the need for pivot towers to cross any permanent fences by utilizing temporary electric fences for paddock subdivisions. The inner circle fence shortens the length of temporary fences to a more manageable level. We have designed and/or built over 100 of these systems throughout the irrigated West.(16 pages)


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